?> How to declutter with a dumpster rental - Purple Dumpster

There is much to be said about de-cluttering your life! It’s a tough process to start but once you begin, it’s hard to stop. There are some simple guidelines that seasoned de-clutterers use to make the process that much easier when faced with a pile of unwanted items.

We provide this advice to our clients in Toronto, Etobicoke, Richmond Hill, Aurora, York, Scarborough as well as Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Milton, and Waterdown.

Think about it this way:

  • Is this item something I use regularly?
  • Is this item something that I absolutely love?
  • Am I keeping this item out of obligation?
  • Is this item worth the space it’s taking up in my life?
  • Could I use this space for something else more purposeful?
  • Do I have multiples of the same item?
  • Am I saving this “just in case”?
  • Would it be hard to replace if I needed it again or could I borrow it?
  • Do I need to save it for tax or legal reasons?
  • If I were free of guilt would I still keep it?
  • Have I used it in the last year? Last five years?
  • Does it fit into my vision of the life I want to lead?

Author Laura Stack wrote “Get rid of 25% of books, tools, sporting equipment and so on. You’ll have fewer things, but you’ll use a higher percentage of what’s left.”. Don’t forget that “get rid of” means Purple Dumpster can recycle it or you can donate to your local thrift shops for charity as well!

As the wonderful William Morris said “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful” 🙂 Happy De-cluttering!








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